I can’t help but continue to think about heaven and what eternal life is like. There is no doubt that heaven is a remarkable place and that eternity there with our Lord is something to look forward to. It is interesting that the bible provides us with little information about what heaven is like. We get a glimpse of the spirit world in Daniel 10 and there are a few verses in Revelation that describe the Throne Room but, for the most part, heaven is left to our imagination.
What will it be like to stand in front of Jesus, looking into his eyes, for the first time at the Great White Throne Judgment? I think I will be overwhelmed. Try to imagine what it would be like having the Lord God, creator of all things, looking you in the eyes with his hands on your face saying, “Come to the place I have prepared for you good and faithful servant.” Lord, I long to hear those words.
There is a song called “I Can Only Imagine” that is done by the band Mercy Me. You may already be familiar with it. To me this is a powerful song and listening to it has become part of my daily prayer routine. I can’t listen to it without tearing up and getting a good dose of humility and hope. The lyrics are below and a link to the song in a video can be found in the right margin of this blog in the Links section as well as right here. "I Can Only Imagine". Block out everything going on around you and listen and watch.
"I Can Only Imagine” Mercy Me
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk by your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face Is before me
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine When all I will do
Is forever, Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I Can Only Imagine
Dear Lord, thank you for the promise of eternal life and for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus as the redeemer of our sins. You are a merciful God.
ReplyDeleteGod is merciful indeed. Because He created us, He knows our limitations and weaknesses, but all He asks is that we reconcile and repent and He has no memory of our sin. When I was younger I would have trouble accepting God's forgiveness. I thought I should never forget my sin as a sign of my sorrow. Then I came to realize how selfish and arrogant that was of me. Who was I to not accept this wonderful gift of mercy? It dawned on me that if He could forgive me....of course I would forgive myself and '...go and sin no more.'
I love reading about the 'greats' in the scriptures too. Look at David....hard to find someone with a greater faith than David. He was truly in God's favor. But David's sin was a doozy! Whew. He has an affair with Bathsheba and then sends her husband to the front lines to ensure his death. Doesn't get much worse than that. When God says he's going to take the child he and Bathsheba have conceived together, David begs for mercy....face down on the ground for 7-8 days (Psalm 51)....but God does not relent and the baby is taken. Here's where it gets good. David gets up, brushes himself off, and accepts God's will. I guess he figured that was penance enough. He and God are even again. The whole incident only strengthens David's faith.
Even Peter....the rock on whom He builds His church....denies Christ 3 times. In contrast to Judas who has no hope and doesn't understand God's mercy and hangs himself, Peter expresses his sorrow and is open to God's mercy. As sort of a biblical reprieve, Jesus asks him 3 times, "Peter, do you love me?" and gives him instructions to 'feed my lambs/feed my sheep.'
I teach 6th grade CCD - Our Salvation History - and in our lesson last week introducing the students to the bible there was a comparison that I've been thinking about all week. Just as a computer is only capable of what it is programmed to do by man; so are we only capable of what God programs us for......to know and to love Him in this world and the next. Everytime we try to write our own programs because we think we know better we really get in trouble. It's only when finally say, 'Alright Lord, I've done it my way and am miserable, I will follow you,' that we can find true peace.
I have heard that song before....it is beautiful. The video along with it was really powerful. To imagine Heaven makes me smile......we can only imagine, yet I believe it will be beyond our wildest imagination.
Stay strong and keep writing.
You are loved,
Cousin, Linda