September 8, 2010

Medical Update - 9/8 & 9/15

Last week I was finally able to receive the second infusion of the first round of chemotherapy after waiting for my blood counts to come back in line. I am scheduled to begin the second round next week.

Blood Counts in the Tank
I had blood work done today and my blood counts are once again out of whack. White counts and platelets very low. My oncologist has put me on antibiotics as a precaution. We are praying that my counts come back in line so that I can receive my treatment next week. (9/15 Update: Blood work today still puts my levels too low for chemo. Pray that next week we will be able to continue with the chemo.)

The dreaded chemo-brain has kicked in this week. Chemo-brain can best be described as being in a chemo induced stupor. It’s tough to walk a straight line. Standing up from a sitting position is an effort. All I really want to do is sit. Chemo-brain is a very small price to pay for God’s continued gift of life. (9/15 Update: Still feeling effects of Chemo-brain. Again a small price to pay.)

What the Heck is This Thing on my Arm?
A few weeks ago a lump appeared on my forearm. It was painful when pressure was put on it. Over the past week or so the lump has begun to spread down my arm and continues to be painful. I am having an MRI of the arm next week in hopes of figuring out what this is. (9/15 Update: MRI of the arm does not indicate what this thing is on my arm is cancerous. We will keep an eye on it for a couple of weeks and, if does not subside, we'll do a biopsy.)

Psalm 23 -- The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;* he restores my soul.* He leads me in right paths; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for a His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely* goodness and mercy* shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

9/15 Update: I have discovered that the darker and deeper the valley is, the brighter and higher my light can shine.



  1. Paul-
    I love your picture! Do you realize how much you look like Uncle T? :) That's a compliment!

    Awhile back you wrote a piece about 'blessings' asking why it appeared some people and some lands had more blessings than others. I've thought about that article off and on and thought I'd pass along my reflection......I think God, in His perfection, provides blessings enough for everyone.....but he counts on us to distribute them fairly.

    Like you do with your are passing along the spiritual blessings that you have been given to those who are in need. We all need to be 'our brother's and sister's keepers' so to speak.

    This sharing of blessings is so evident to me as I study the lives of the saints. They are examples of passing along God's blessings where they are needed most....among the poor, the sick and the marginalized. That is where we truly can see the face of God.

    Take good care. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Your little cousin, Linda:)

  2. prayers...fight the good fight!

  3. cuzzin Patty from ConneauttySeptember 17, 2010 at 1:55 PM

    "This little light of mine...Im gonna make it shine, this little light of mine Im gonna make it shine.... Shine Paul Shine!
