September 6, 2010

Religion Versus Science

I have always been intrigued by the Religion versus Science controversy and discussions. Renowned physicist Steven Hawking recently re-ignited the discussion with his statement that the “Big Bang”, or what he calls the “Singularity”, which created the universe could easily have occurred without a god’s influence and, if that is the case, creation occurred without God as the creator. This, of course, simply adds fuel to the flames that erupt between those who believe that God is the creator of all things and those who do not.

I have always been baffled by the thought that some folks believe that religion and science must be mutually exclusive. Why can’t they coexist? The controversy appears to be more political than theological or scientific. Studies have shown that many scientists are religious, and many religious leaders are scientists. The religion versus science debate involves a few extremists on each side of the issue who strive to shout louder than everyone else does in order to push their believes onto others. Whilst science and religion are always going to disagree upon some points, the vast majority of theologians and scientists are quite happy to respect each other’s beliefs. They do not subscribe to the religion versus science propaganda, which usually possesses a hidden agenda.

Let me attempt to build a short argument that religion and science are not mutually exclusive. We all have our God given talents. God provided some people with an interest and even a passion for the sciences who then train hard to learn how to explore and understand the mysteries of our world. If God did not want people fiddling around with these mysteries why would he provide the talent to do so? In fact, in Proverbs we find that we are encouraged to seek the answers to these mysteries.

Proverbs 25:2 -- It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.

As our scientists discover new things about our universe these discoveries can be used to profit God’s kingdom. You and I have been the direct beneficiary of these. (God provided the talents to scientists who engineered life saving chemotherapy drugs based upon scientific discoveries about the human body.) I believe that God wants us to discover the mysteries of our universe in order to use the newfound knowledge to profit His kingdom.

In my opinion, it all boils down to this conclusion:

Science describes the process we use as we try to figure out how God did it all.

Dear Lord, thank You for providing us with the curiosity to explore Your secrets and the talents needed to do so. Lead us toward using our newfound knowledge to benefit Your kingdom. I thank you Lord for all of the blessing you have provided us.


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