October 20, 2010

Prayers of Thanksgiving

We communicate with God through prayer. At times we say prayers that we had learned as children and at other times we simply talk with God. I tend to not recite “canned” prayers as much as simply have a conversation with God, much like I would talk to an old friend. I tell Him about what is worrying me; I ask His advice on what to do about whatever is bothering me and I ask for his help and mercy. I believe that God delights in our prayers.

1 Peter 5:7 -- Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

Hebrews 4:16 -- Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

God is merciful and has answered so many of my prayers for help. Every time I pray I thank God for all of the blessings He has provided my family and myself.

My wife gave me a list of Prayers of Thanksgiving that I would like to share with you. The source for these prayers is “Personal Prayer Notebook” by Harry Griffith, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.

Thank you Lord, for the privilege of being part of a family, and I thank You for those who are family with me.

I thank you, Lord, for those who care about me and for whom I especially care.

Thank you that my eyes have opened to real life as experienced through faith in You and for the opportunity to and serve you forever.

For good health and the strength to do those things you would have me do, I thank you Lord.

Spiritual Gifts
I thank You for the ways in which You have equipped me to do the things You call me to do, and for the privilege of doing Your work in this world.

For a home that is a haven of love, I thank you Lord.

Nature and Beauty
For the joy of Your creation which inspires me one moment and comforts me the next, I thank you, Lord.

I thank you Lord, for the daily work I am able to do and for the opportunity to use it for Your glory.

For this nation in which we are privileged to live and for all the blessings you shower upon us so bountifully, I thank you, Lord.

For the peace and security we experience today, Lord, I am grateful.

General Thanksgiving
I thank you, Lord, for all that you have done for me. You care more for me than I do for myself. I am precious in your sight and You do for me much more than I deserve or comprehend. I have nothing to give in return but my gratitude and that I give you, Lord, with my whole heart.

God is great. God is good.



  1. Paul, I like your use of the word "delights". Patty, the prayers are beautiful. Thank you both.


  2. I love the song "I Can Only Imagine." It doesn't matter where you are in your worldly journey, that song can bring you to the point of awe over what we will can expect from our Creator. You are an excellent example of how God wants His people to behave, whether things are going well for us or if we are having struggles. Trust Him!

  3. I love the idea that God "delights in our prayers". What a wonderful image and thought. Maybe we should encourage our children to have more honest conversations with God instead of reciting prayers. I'm sure their thoughts would be insightful and amusing. Thinking of you...Katie

  4. Paul,

    Thank you for helping me slow down for a moment and be in the presence of the Holy Spirit. I appreciate your witness. I will visit the blog again. You and your family are in our prayers.


  5. "Canned" Prayers are good too...they are a confirmation of our faith, they provide a sense of community...prayers from the heart are a beautiful way to express what we feel inside. Any communication between Him and "We" is a blessing and a comfort.

  6. Paul
    I love the prayer of "Family". I am truly honored to be a part of your family. You have shown everyone that no matter what the issues in your life may be, God gives you the courage to endure all obstacles if you believe in Him. As I said before, you are truly the most courageous person I know. Love you Cuz

  7. Paul-
    Great topic......prayer! I love it all.

    I love the prayers already written down for us because they help us pray in community with one another. By Jesus' own instruction we pray the 'Our Father.' Matt 6:9-13/Luke 11:2-4. It identifies us as Christians...those who follow Jesus.

    I love the 'Hail Mary' and praying the rosary.....it's an opportunity to reflect on the face of Jesus through Mary.

    I also pray the 'Liturgy of the Hours.' It's prayers for the hours of the day....morning/mid-day/evening/night. The prayers are universal and are centered around the Psalms. As I pray those at the various hours of the day, I know that those who wish to in the universal church are praying the same prayers.....from the Pope to the person in the pew along with Christians everywhere. It keeps holy the entire day. Helps me to focus on God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit amid the distractions of each day.

    I also like to pray for the intercession of the saints......those holy and human people who lived extraordinary lives. In my email each day I receive 'Saint of the Day.' Reading about how the saints did mundane, daily chores with such faith and love for God inspires me.

    And for me, the greatest prayer of my day is Mass - receiving the Holy Eucharist...body and blood of Jesus Christ. I am so fortunate to work at the church so that each day my schedule allows for me to attend Mass.....for us Catholics, Eucharist is '...the source and summit..' of our faith.

    You should know that as I open my email each day I read about the 'Saint of the Day,' my 'Minute Meditation' and then I go straight to your blog hoping there is a new reflection from you to further inspire me. I consider "Endure and Let Your Light Shine" to be a very important part of my prayer life these days! Your reflections are always insightful, witty and thought-provoking.

    So keep 'em coming!

    Cousin, Linda
