December 7, 2010


Today is my birthday. I am now 59 years old. Yippeeee! I was 55 when I was diagnosed with cancer and, at the time, it was doubtful whether or not I would see my 59th birthday. But here I am. Daily I thank God for the day He has given me and I ask for another. So far He has graciously provided. God is great. God is good.

I have come to consider my birthdays as “milestones” in my life. None of us really know whether or not we will see our next birthday but most of us just sort of take it for granted that we will. Some of us hope and pray that we will and we rely on our Lord to graciously provide. Some folks dread having a birthday because it means they are getting old. From my perspective, getting old is the objective and should be celebrated rather than dreaded. The birthday is a day of celebration of the precious life that God has provided us.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 -- Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you…

Dear Lord, thank you for another birthday. I have asked for, and you have provided, another day of life and for that I am deeply grateful. Thank you Lord for all of the blessing you have provided us. You are truly a gracious God.


1 comment:

  1. Paul-
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday dear, Paul!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    I sound much better in a blog:):):)

    Wishing you a very Happy day filled with much love.....oh yeah, and cake and ice cream and presents:)

