August 27, 2010

The Kingdom of God

I often use the term “Kingdom of God” or “God’s Kingdom” in my posting to this blog. I talk about "Profiting God’s Kingdom" and "Building God’s Kingdom" quite often. I use it in my prayers when I ask God to please give me more time in this life to do Your work and “profit Your kingdom”.

What I have begun to realize is that I really don’t have a firm grasp of what the Kingdom of God is. It almost feels intuitive as to what it is but it is very difficult for me to wrap my arms around it and really define it. Very frustrating. So, I put on my diving mask and got my snorkel and dove into the Internet looking for the perspective of people more versed on the Bible than me on the topic. I found that I am not alone in my frustrations. Many people are struggling with this.

There are a few Bible verses that refer directly to “God’s Kingdom” and of course we have the Lord’s Prayer (“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”) but there is no real definition for the Kingdom found in the Bible (at least not that I have been able to discover).

From what I can gather from the Internet the term “Kingdom of God” became a popular phrase used by priests and pastors in the 1970’s. They must have all gone to the same seminar or something, heard the phrase, thought it pretty catchy, and decided to use it in their sermons. At any rate, it caught on and soon became part of the Christian vocabulary.

I like it. I will continue to use the phrase. It has meaning to me. So, if I am going to continue to use the phrase I had better come up with my opinion as to what it means. Let me ramble on a bit (without really having thought it through yet) about how I define God’s Kingdom. Please bear with me as I ramble.

I guess first of all we need to define “kingdom”. defines “kingdom” as: “The territory or country subject to a king or queen; the dominion of a monarch; the sphere in which one king has control.” So, by this definition there is one king who has complete control over a territory. So far so good. God’s Kingdom would imply that God would have complete control over His kingdom. Now the hard part. Where is this kingdom? Does it exist only in the Spirit world or does it also exist in the world of the flesh (Earth)? Your guess on this is just as good as mine. We simply do not have enough information in the Bible to answer this question.

My Opinion

Here is my opinion (with nothing at all to support it). God’s Kingdom is both in the Spirit world and here on Earth. But, as I think about it, I am not so sure that God has complete control over either. Yet. We know that Satan and his demons constantly fight to control each of our earthly lives (and unfortunately with a good degree of success). So God does not completely control His kingdom here on earth. We also know that battles rage in the spirit world between God’s angels and Satan’s princes. This conflict is revealed to us in Daniel, Chapter 10.

Daniel 10:12-13 -- He said to me, ‘Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. So Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia,

Daniel 10:20 -- Now I must return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I am through with him, the prince of Greece will come.

So does this mean that God does not have complete control of his kingdom in the spirit world either? It would seem not. But He’s God. He can take control of His kingdoms simply by willing it, can’t He. Yes, I believe He can. But that is not part of His plan. We know from prophecy that Jesus will establish His kingdom here on Earth with his Millennial Kingdom when he defeats Satan and locks him up for a thousand years. Jesus will reign as King with complete control here on Earth during this period. We also know from prophecy that after the Millennial Kingdom here on Earth God will establish his Spiritual Kingdom in heaven after the Great White Throne Judgment. This kingdom will be populated by all of the people found worthy of eternal life in Heaven with God in complete control.

So, I guess my opinion is that God’s Kingdom is both here in the Flesh world and in the Spirit world. It also seems as though God has not yet decided to take complete control over His kingdom. But why not? My opinion is that God is currently in the process of building his kingdom. He is not done with us here on Earth yet. Jesus presented himself one last time after his resurrection to his Apostles and instructed them to execute the Great Commission which is to go among the nations and spread his teachings. Basically, convert the Jews and the Gentiles and build the Christian “Kingdom” here on Earth. We are His instruments that He is using to profit His kingdom. Those of us who are successful in profiting His kingdom here on Earth (that is, expanding the Christian Kingdom here on Earth) will inherit our place in the Spiritual Kingdom.

I might be done rambling now.

Psalm 19:14 -- Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord.

So to “Profit God’s Kingdom” means to grow His kingdom here on Earth. Growing His kingdom, based upon his Great Commission to us, means to spread His Gospel to all people. I suppose that once God believes that the Earthly Kingdom is large enough it will be time for Jesus’ Millennial Kingdom here on Earth. I don’t know. Again, this is just my opinion.

Oh great and merciful Lord, I ask that You continue to provide me the time in this life to do the work you have called me to do in order to profit Your kingdom. I ask that you give my doctors the skill and the resources they need to heal me. I thank you Lord for the many blessings you have provided my family and me during this journey. Our trust is in you Lord. We will follow where you lead us.


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